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How do we make family today? How will we make family tomorrow? Traditional family stereotypes have been blurred. There are all kinds of families: with children, single, with a dog, with a cat, friends sharing a household, open couples… In many of these “new ways of making family” domestic animals occupy an important place. Sadly, these important animals do not live long lives. Not long enough. Fido is a dog designed with biotechnology that shares one's own DNA. This was Fido will grow old with its owner and its fate doesn’t intervene, will die at the same time as well.  


This piece was part of the exhibition IRREVERSIBLE 407 in which my design students from the National Autonomous University of Mexico projected contemporary mental tendencies into the future to create new services and products.  This mentality trends insights were in accordance with the international research done by Science of the Time.


The exhibition took place in La Quiñonera Gallery, Mexico City 2014.


Special thanks to Victor Calderón y Héctor Camacho from the Cinvestav.


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